Thursday, October 06, 2011

"Social Media for Learning" Report

I was delighted that the eLearning Guild invited me to write up the results of their ongoing "Social Media for Learning" report. The 2011 version is now available to Guild members. Results showed great enthusiasm for using social media for learning, and widespread (83% of respondents!) belief that social media for learning was worthwhile. 

There's a brief excerpt in my October "Nuts and Bolts" Column for Learning Solutions if you'd like to take a look there. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After reading your article it prompted me to recall a mission I set out on to use a wiki as a part of a blended approach to learning for a new process we were implementing. It was a great idea!The plan was to have the learners share their experiences and best practices within the wiki to build a community of practice. Unfortunately, it never took off. Even with encouragement and advertising, the wiki sits relatively dormant to this day. Do you have any words of advice on how to encourage folks to use such a medium?