Friday, September 16, 2005

Reader's Suggestions

Comments just in from my Author's Forum session on InSync today:

"Live Meeting has a low monthly rate"
Use the "Options" buttons in Outlook 2003 to take a poll/vote
Use email to send out a weekly 'question for thought'
Microsoft's Groove personal version (collaboration tool)

And LOTS of people are using Quia! And with good reason...

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Smith-Corona Award for IT Department Most Determined to Block Anything Useful

I spent a long day trying to free up some trainers being held hostage by their own IT department. My favorite line from the IT director (government, by the way, as in Your Tax Dollars at Work), RE accessing a 5,000 member training and development-focused Yahoo site:
"Well, if it's free, it can't be any good, can it?"

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Quia Quizzes IMPROVED!

Just in from Quia: New format for the fabulous quiz feature and great new tutorial for creating quizzes and using advanced features. For those of you who aren't quia-savvy, for $99/year ($49 for schools) Quia provides templates for creating flash games and online quizzes, gives quite sophisticated quiz feedback, lets you set up a class home page, etc. AND hosts it all. See .

Friday, September 02, 2005